Which Four Pros Would You Put on the Mount Rushmore of Wood Flooring?


WFB asked followers on Facebook and Instagram which four pros they would put on the Mount Rushmore of wood flooring. Here’s what they said:

Fino Oficio

I would go with Leonard A. Hall, Tom Ourada, Josh Hansman and Sprigg Lynn.

Chris Bailey

My father Owen Bailey, Phil Valenti, Bill Powell III and Fino Oficio.

Dv Michael

Oh.. difficult one.. for me. Filip Redant, Robert Verhaegen, Jakko Woudenberg and Leonard. Hall. The knowledge of old and new wood floors, the craftsmanship, the ideas they have. I understand that there are plenty more flooring experts in the business who all have above experience, but those four I met in person and learned from some of them. Those would be my Mount Rushmore.

Kenneth Kelly

T.J. Haas in all four.

Paul Warren

Carl Lane, Joe Audino, James Poague and Glenn Comer.

Steven Triplett Jr.

There are only two on it that most people would recognize. That’d be me and Jorge Floors! 🔥🔥🔥

Stephen Si Le

Clint Fudge, Dave Marzalek, Leonard A. Hall and Kent Rogerson. Thank you. 😊😎🇦🇺🇺🇸🙌🇺🇸🇦🇺😎

T.J. Haas

My dad. Brian Matthews and Robert Pearce because they taught me. I need a Harvey Dent two-face for the 4th with Kent Rogerson and Jamie Lambert. Andreas can watch.

Lorie Davidson

Eugen Lägler, Daniel Boone, John Yarema and Wilhelm Edner.

W D Flooring, LLC · 

Briger Juell would have to be on there. There nothing he hasn’t done at some point. What’s more, he was fantastically innovative with color, species and design. Probably the most complete floor man I knew in terms of creating and selling the remarkable. He was fortunate to have serious talent behind him, but when it came to imagination, functionality and harmony he was the epitome.

Matt Denoma

Dan Portu on all four,  just different faces.

Paul Nelson

Daniel Boone.

Brent Currie

Bill Price would be one.

Patricia Graff

Keith Graff for sure.

Jason Vivash

Let’s not forget about Eugene Klotz and Birger Juell. Of course, there are so many other greats. Let’s talk about the 12 Knights of the Round Table or something.

Kenny Williams

My father and three of my uncles.

Daniel Antes

Allan Pyne, Birger Juell, SC Johnson and EL Roberts. Let's be real. All of us who are still alive don't know as much as these men before their deaths.

Michael Tipon

Dave Marzalek, Wayne Highlander, Leonard Hall and Avi Hadad. 

William Burnam

Paul Nelson, Jim Henderson, TJ Haas and Bill Price.

Andreas Colléte

William Wood for sure.

Jacob Sheldrick

First face: James Toal. Second face: Jamal Jordan. Third face: Clint Fudge. Fourth face: David Friedland. Hence this will be the quickest refacing option, with segments provided by Hyper Grinder. Also, Jamal will get a long lasting pink hair color correction provided by Basic Coatings.

Dave Marzalek

Eugen Klotz and Bill Price.

Joe J Hudson

Clint Fudge, Toby Merrill, James, Eric Herman, Dave, Steve Albert, TJ Haas, Harris, Hudson and about half a dozen other guys. This is a loaded question but entertaining. 

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