VOC Limits in Finishes Could Drop in Three States

New York, Connecticut and Delaware are developing regulations to lower the VOC limit for certain wood coatings to 275 grams/liter, according to the Ozone Transport Commission.

The change could be implemented as soon as Jan. 1, 2017, for Connecticut; March 1, 2017, for Delaware; and Jan. 1, 2018, for New York. However, the dates have not been finalized.

The lower limit is part of the OTC Phase II model, which is already in effect in Maryland for wood coatings. The 275 g/l VOC limit for wood coatings is also in effect in Utah and California.

New Hampshire and Washington D.C. are “reviewing” adoption of OTC Phase II for architectural and industrial maintenance coatings, according to the OTC.

Wood coatings affected by OTC Phase II’s VOC limit regulations include waterborne sealers and finishes, oil-modified polyurethane sealers and finishes, moisture-cure urethane finishes, and lacquers. Conjugated oils, conversion varnish and shellac limits are unchanged.

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