Wood Floor Rescue: Unveiling Heart Pine in South Carolina

Kim Wahlgren Headshot
Screen Shot 2022 05 19 At 1 00 53 Pm

Historic floors are nothing new to Bobby Newman, owner at It’s All Wood Hardwood Floors LLC in West Columbia, S.C., but this project was the oldest one he’d ever done. The home dates to 1755, meaning it was standing during not only the Civil War but also the Revolutionary War. When Newman got to the house, the general contractor had removed what had been covering the floors, and they were so dirty Newman couldn’t be sure what they were—but he had a good idea. “We guessed it was heart pine, because if you go back 100 years in South Carolina, it’s all heart pine,” he explains. He was right: Sanding with the first pass of 24-grit with an old American Super 8 revealed the beautiful original wood planks. The floor required extensive repairs. “We sanded it off first, and that way we could see what we were doing for our repairs,” he explains. They looked for matching wood that could be used and found some in another building on the property. With repairs done, they completed their sanding sequence and coated the floor with poly for the look desired by the customer. It’s a part of his work Newman particularly enjoys: “Doing the newer stuff is fine, but bringing these older ones back to life is satisfying,” he says.

SUPPLIERS: Big machine: American Sanders, Galaxy, Hummel | Edger: American Sanders | Finish: Bona Woodline

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