Natural wood finishes developed with 100 years’ experience
Osmo – Wood meets color.
It takes 100 years for a tree to grow into solid quality. In our 100 years as a company, Osmo has gathered experience in handling wood. Our attention to detail and expertise are devoted to the appropriate processing and long-term preservation of the valuable raw material wood.
Only a finish that meets the needs of wood can preserve the natural beauty and durability of wood. Over 40 years ago, Osmo developed microporous wood finishes that are based on natural oils and waxes. With this, we played a pioneering role in the industry.
Our passion for wood and finishes at Osmo flows directly into product development and research. To this day, we are still the only wood manufacturer who completes its value chain with wood finishes developed and produced in-house.
Wood finishes directly from a long-standing wood manufacturer – Experience you can rely on.