A Stump, an Impossible Triangle and More: Tom Ourada Creates His Own Floor

Kim Wahlgren Headshot
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It will surprise no one familiar with Tom Ourada to discover that he has a massive collection of wood he’s been hanging onto for … someday. “I’ve been collecting stuff that I think I could do something with. It’s one of those things where my imagination is bigger than what I can do in a couple lifetimes,” he says.

For some of those special wood pieces, their time came last fall, when Ourada finally put wood flooring into a room in his own house that previously had only a plywood subfloor—since the house was built in 2008. Because it was his own home, he had carte blanche to let his artist’s imagination run wild. “When I do other floors, I try to connect with what they like and create something they love, and that motivates me,” he says. “This was my home—I was like, ‘I’ll do what I want and have a great time creating this.’”

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