WFB asked followers on Facebook and Instagram to shout out a wood floor pro they’d choose to visit their job site and train them. Here’s how they responded:
Tina Darling Boone
My brother Daniel Boone.
Jason Potts
Matt Garcia 100%.
Patrick J. Russell
Howard Brickman and Tom Ourada.
Joshua Crossman
Next week? I’ve got 3K of pine to sand. I’m choosing Steve Bumpus.
Joe Dawson
Eric Herman.
Fino Oficio
Only one? That’s unfair. But I would stick with one of my true mentors, Leonard A. Hall.
Along with Greg Ceglarski they have been coaching me in more ways than they can ever imagine.
Steve Heineken
I would definitely pick Clint Fudge because he’s the only man on earth that will sand your wooden floors flatter than The Flat Earth Conspiracy. 😎🇦🇺🏆🙌🏆🇦🇺😎
Bills Hardwood Floor
Any independent old school guy. They are doing what do because they are good at it. And enjoy the wow factor. And they don't teach you how to cut corners. Process, process, process. After you learn how to do it that way you can try new things and do it again.
Saunders Wood Floors
Daniel Boone, of course.
Graziano Calzone CeCparquet
Absolutely Tom Michael Ourada!!!!
But the list is long 😅: René Caran, Fino Oficio, Dave Marzalek, Jakko Woudenberg … and many more …
Kent Rogerson
I'm locked up, I can't pick just one. There are so many I would love to collaborate with.
Robert Wingo
Matt Garcia for sure!
Dennis Cudd
Howard Brickman aka the Lord of Floors. 👊🤠❤️
Jerry Curran
Howard Brickman.
Donald C. Bouchard
Obviously I would be doing something very detailed and ornamental! If I could have my pick.
There would be one of these three Icons in the industry who have taught me a lot! Howard Brickman, Dave Marzalek, Chuck Crispin.
Aaron Goodman
Sprigg Lynn for sure, the knowledge he has about historical renovations would be an amazing information resource to try and absorb. Additionally, I bet he has amazing floor stories! Cheers Sprigg!
Pete Helton Jr
I always wanted to work on one of Birger Juell’s projects when he was alive.
Rui Jordan Gonçalves
Fino Oficio would definitely be my pick, 💯.
Andrew Cory Boyd
There are so many: Sprigg Lynn, Kent Rogerson, Fino Oficio, Joshua Crossman, Clint Fudge and many other talented great craftsmen.
Larry Israel
Greg Ceglarski, but we would talk more about life than flooring.
Travis Morse
Avedis from Archetypal Flooring. I wanna make an elephant.
Dotty Vazquez
Fino Oficio would probably be my pick. There are many awesome others but if I had to choose … definitely Fino.
Doug LeClair
I would pick Leonard A. Hall. We would throw on some Will Smith and get jiggy wit it.
Mike Somodean
Mauro Morales
My mentor, Cambridge Wood Flooring.
Lorie Davidson
Clint, Leonard, Fino, Sprigg.
Jeff LaShomb
Josh Hansman at 50 Grit Flooring.
Eric Nylin
Greg Ceglarski, Sprigg Lynn.
Nash Maxwell
Doug LeClair for sure. 🔥
Troy Stanfield
Reckon I could learn a thing or two from Ash Stuart-Smith.
El Braz
Fino Oficio the real one of course. 😂
Anthony Perl
Oof that's a tough one. Lotta guys I'd like to learn from. But that's the advantage of social media.
Dave Byrnes
John Byrnes.
Jason Duron
Josh Jones.
Daniel Reddy
The one and only John Joseph.
Simon Cruse
Clint Fudge.
Jakko Woudenberg
Kirill Derets.
Brendan Gillespie
No question, Sprigg Lynn.
Paul Wilke
I have so many people I would love to learn from. There is no way I could pick just one. Each brings something different to the trade.
Steve Bumpus
Oh this is such a tough one I could pick so many people for different reasons but if I have to pick one it would be Clint Fudge. We both run split drums and I’d just love to pick his brain … I have been a fan of his work from day one on Instagram.
T.J. Haas
Kent or Grant. Grant for his edger technique and knowledge of vehicles alone.
Maria Tee
Wayne Highlander.
Jason Carter
Leonard A. Hall all day long!!
Jim Hyde
Can I just pick someone I can just sit, drink beer, and watch? along with Clint Fudge and Richard Butler to drink and watch as well…
Wayne Highlander all day! best personality great talent.
Too many technicians here, I’m picking @sacraftsman because I want to make profit!
There are several I have and could learn a ton more from but if the magic genie could send me John Yarema, that would be wonderful.
Gus Meidinger, my grandfather, who taught me the trade who just passed this year at 103 years old. World War II, Navy, veteran, lifelong Lutheran great guy, Gustaf Meidinger.
@schleifkunst all day erry day!!!
@ahpeckflooring because Corey and I be like kids in the candy shop and talk about floor stuff all day…but I reckon we could knock out a killer floor together 👊🏼.
@tom_loba_wakol @jameslobawakol
John Yerema. Wouldn't mind picking that brain.
@adam_loba.wakol (el chingon)💯
After a chat we had this past week, I would love to have Daniel Antes visit my shop to see how he creates and also production techniques.
I want @lowcountryflooring Kent Rogerson and @danielantes so I can show them how to add some Kentucky seasonings in their life.
@isandnewyork imagine the work I could get done with two of me!!! 😤😤😤
Dave Marzalek.
That Yarema guy💯.
@floormasterco 🇵🇱 those crazy installs man.
@danny_sandhouse learn from the guy with more tips and tricks than anyone I know!
I hope I show up next week. 😅
@ahpeckflooring 🙌🏻
Without a doubt, Sprigg Lynn @universal_floors_dc
@archetypalny so I can learn the mosaics.
Probably Howard Brickman or @ouradadesigns.
@jonnamba or Brett Miller... only the best!
@universal_floors_dc without a doubt.
Hands down would a visit with old Birger Juell!
@finooficio @lennnyhall @scribedflooring together. Let alone the knowledge, but can you imagine the fun and laughs?