We asked our followers to tell us their ideas for this question. Here are some of our favorite responses shared by our readers on the WFB Facebook and Instagram pages.
Alex Hamilton
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We asked our followers to tell us their ideas for this question. Here are some of our favorite responses shared by our readers on the WFB Facebook and Instagram pages.
Alex Hamilton
My good jeans are the ones that don’t have MS-260 on ’em.
Brad Lyman
Just pulled half an oak tree out my nose!
Dennis Willbrand
I catch myself checking out the floor of a show or movie.
Pete Helton Jr.
I smell like stain even when I’m on vacation. All my vehicles have got dust on the dash and gauge cluster. On laundry day every pair of pants has a piece of sandpaper in the back pocket and there’s a nailset in the front.
Mike Somodean
Hardwax has nothing to do with Brazilian hair removal.
Robert Urban II
This restaurant’s floor needs me.
Bill Cavey
I’m 100% dustless.
Shane Peters
My chiropractor bill is built into my estimate.
T.J. Haas
The bottoms of my socks are all dry, hard and crusty instead of the ends.
Troy Stanfield
I clean your house more than you do—and I don’t live there.
Daniel Springer
I hate chandeliers.
Kris Askew
My hands have more splinters than blood vessels.
Paul Digiore
What do you prefer, oil or water?
Devan Hale
I save every piece of wood I find.
Tom Ourada
When I go to museums I’m more interested in the quality of the hardwood floors than the artwork on the walls.
Greg Martin
All my shoes slide on and off.
Jeff Kersbergen
I have an aversion to blue tape and Post-It notes.
Scott J Walker
My knees sound like Rice Krispies.
Chris Bazemore
“Look, they left edger scratches.”
Where is my pencil?
Paul Alexander
This house is really chopped up.
Doug LeClair
Slip me some tongue.
*looks down in every place she walks in*
Kent Rogerson
My back hurts.
Michael Smith
That’s white oak, not red oak.
Jay Quinene
98% of my clothes are work clothes!
Kevin Davidson
That will buff out.
Chris McElroy
Left to right doesn’t matter.
Here rookie, shake this gallon of neutral stain for me.
Joe Larson
What? I can’t hear you.
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