What to Know about Wax, Shellac & Other Alternative Finishes

Homeowners today demand not only a flawless sand-and-finish job, they also want a unique floor that will be part of an overall design concept. Sometimes this look can be achieved through a border or medallion. Sometimes exotic species will create the desired look. Other times, an alternative finish or stain, such as wax, oil or aniline dyes, may be just what the customer is looking for. Expanding your knowledge and expertise with stains and finishes can provide you with a service that will make you stand out from the rest of the flooring installers. Just as you wouldn't limit yourself to a solid, ¾-inch red oak floor on every installation, don't limit yourself to the usual finish in every room of the house. Though these finishes represent only about 2 percent of the market, they are useful options to add to your palette.

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