Readers Respond: What Is The Oldest Wood Floor You’ve Worked On?

Alex Daigle shared this wood flooring that dated back to 1740.
Alex Daigle shared this wood flooring that dated back to 1740.

For our December/January issue, we asked wood floor pros what the oldest floor they’d worked on was. Recently, when we shared the results, more wood floor pros responded with their floors and the stories behind them. We rounded up some of their additional answers below:

Alex Daigle

This home was built originally in 1740 in New Hampshire and then was moved to Connecticut about 100 years ago.

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Bob Alberding

Wish I had pics but old hand-planed shiplap pine planks from the late 1700s in north Jersey along the Delaware River built by, I think, Russian immigrants. The wood was very brittle in some areas and almost petrified in others. Posts in the basement were straight-up tree trunks shaved down, and they were petrified and hard like rock.

Leroy Brookens

An 1832 duplex mansion for French brothers who were traders above the banks of the Illinois River. Floors were birch T&G planks milled nearby—2-by-11–19 inches. The edges had set cupping up to ¾ inch in ridges that I had to ride with my new Hummel.

Bill Powell III

I just installed a 200-year-old chestnut floor. The client didn't want us to cut the butt ends, so we had to install Dutchmans at every butt end. We're still working on it. The next step is to install custom made flush mount vents.

Daryl Kane

1860 pine floor boards.

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Cash Pyle


Myra Smallwood

Mid-to-late 1800s. We are in the Southern U.S.

Donald C. Bouchard

About 350 years old. Did the job with Daniel Moore at a place called Little England on the Chesapeake Bay! Was great fun!! Great memories!!

Lars Frohnsdorf

Over 100 years old. Took forever to get it to look like this.

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Cody Crane


Greg Hommel

The foyer of Old Ship Church in Hingham, Mass. The oldest still standing church in the United States built in 1681. Wish I had a photo!

Josh Hansman

Longworth Hall (B&O railroad warehouse) built 1904. 5/4-inch maple.

Dean Milazzo

114-year-old bowling alley.

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Nicholas C Maxson


Scott Fraser

Early 17th century house, widest boards I have ever sanded.

Dan Cicin

110 historical farm house.

Francisco Tavares

1735 house built in N.J. Maple wood floors.

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Brian Adams

1883 building in Lockhart, Texas.

A & L Florida Flooring

Reclaimed river wood 250+-year-old.

Luke Biello

I've done two from the 1700s. I can't remember the dates off the top of my head.

Benny Powell

1780 Marshfield, Mass.

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Robert Duffy

135 years old.

Shawn Hegwood

Mid 1880s.

Sprigg Singleton Lynn

Many from 1695 to 1700s.

No photo description available.

Josh Hansman

Shrock family farmhouse 1865. Great room, white oak.

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Keith Dalton

1734 eastern shore of Maryland.

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Iv Varela

That floor is inside of a caboose.

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May be an image of indoor

Frankie Ayers

1750 Carter’s Grove Plantation in Williamsburg, Va. That’s 272 years old if my math’s right.

Warren Burns

1899 fir floor/ had been repaired with maple runs🙄

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Scott Cooksey


Gary Christy Jr.

1700s historical farmhouse, Brandywine, Pa.

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Bee Ha

24-inch-wide eastern pine. House was built in 1768.

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