Words of Wisdom: My Great Mentor, My Dad

Fm18 Yb Opener Wow Keith Long And Dad Sm

Fm18 Yb Opener Wow Keith Long And Dad Sm

Keith Long of Thunderheart Flooring LLC in Greeley, Colo., grew up listening to his father talk about business.

I am fortunate to have my dad as one of the greatest mentors in my life. He's an entrepreneur who has been involved in everything from the livestock industry to bank acquisition. I still hear his words and use them today to guide my own business decisions in wood flooring, real estate and more. Some of his wisdom that I still think about frequently includes:

• No one cares about your business more than you do.

• I take calculated risks. I do my research, and when I find what I believe is a great opportunity to be of service and be profitable, I put my money down on that calculated risk. I put my heart and soul into the venture, and keep my mind, my hands and my feet moving.

• If you have to borrow money to get something started, borrow as little as possible, and pay it off as soon as you can.

• When you have a vested interest (your own time and money) put into a venture, that gives the best chance of success. If you're involved in a venture with none of your own skin (time and hard-earned money) in the game, when things get tough, it's too easy to walk away.

• When you don't owe money to anyone, you can make your own calls so much easier.

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