My Cancer Diagnosis Made Me Reflect on My Wood Flooring Career

Bob Goldstein Headshot
I didn't think about potential consequences to my own health when I was using chlorinated solvent adhesive and moisture-cure urethane on jobs like this one.
I didn't think about potential consequences to my own health when I was using chlorinated solvent adhesive and moisture-cure urethane on jobs like this one.

When we are kids, we believe we are unbreakable … until we find we aren't. Through our adolescent, teen and young adult lives, we do things and take chances that, frankly, scare the hell out of us when we get older. Some resent being told to wear seat belts or motorcycle helmets. When something bad happens and a seat-belt-less person is ejected from a car, or a motorcyclist's head is smashed where a helmet would have been, well, it happens to "other people." Those are the evening news stories. I'm sure we all know people who quit smoking when their doctor gave them the news that they were going to die if they didn't. There is a big bold label on each pack of cigarettes warning of the dangers of smoking, but people still put that bullet in the chamber and spin the cylinder.

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