Have you ever had to fill nail holes or dents and touch-up edge chipping while color-matching prefinished flooring in the more unusual colors, particularly exotics? This can be challenging, but look no further than your child's craft table. Ordinary wax crayons are non-toxic, resist water and can be softened using a hair dryer. Colors can even be blended together to match any conceivable shade, from purpleheart to bloodwood. Using a cotton rag, wax crayons can also be buffed to a high gloss. The only caveat: Remember that wax can cause problems for recoating.
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Have you ever had to fill nail holes or dents and touch-up edge chipping while color-matching prefinished flooring in the more unusual colors, particularly exotics? This can be challenging, but look no further than your child's craft table. Ordinary wax crayons are non-toxic, resist water and can be softened using a hair dryer. Colors can even be blended together to match any conceivable shade, from purpleheart to bloodwood. Using a cotton rag, wax crayons can also be buffed to a high gloss. The only caveat: Remember that wax can cause problems for recoating.
Thanks to Bob Middleton, technical and installation manager for Lumber Liquidators, for his tip. Do you have a Trick of the Trade to share? Email it to WFB.
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