Restoring Olivewood Floors With a Modern Flair

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Fm25 Woodworks Progetto3
Courtesy of Corrao Pietro

When Corrao Pietro of Rome, Italy-based Corrao Pietro Parquet was hired to tear out old olivewood flooring and replace it with new flooring, he felt compelled to intervene. The homeowners wanted to replace the battered floors with a more modern, elegant look, but Pietro was blown away by the “beautiful, ancient” floors and convinced the homeowners he could restore the olivewood while creating the modern look they desired. To give their 650-square-foot living room an updated look, the homeowners wanted a large rosette, by designer Easter Rose, to be placed in the center of the room. The rosette was still being created while Pietro was restoring the olivewood, so after he replaced all the worn-out boards, he cut the space for the inlay after stenciling the diameter of the rosette, “praying the rosette would fit” once it was finished. Relief came when Pietro placed the rosette into the cutout area and the inlay fell seamlessly into place, showcasing its beauty alongside the refinished olivewood floors. Pietro says this was one of the most challenging projects he’s done, particularly given olivewood’s hardness. From making the floor repairs to cutting out space for the rosette to sanding and finishing, Pietro completed the floor on his own in four weeks. “It was emotional work,” Pietro says. “And the clients were very happy with the floor.”

Fm25 Woodworks ProgettoCourtesy of Corrao Pietro

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