Wood Floor of the Week: A Mysterious Pegged Floor

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Screenshot 2023 05 25 At 10 07 26 Am

Wood floor pro James Harbour of Harbour Precision Floors in North Wilkesboro, N.C., has seen a lot in his career as a wood floor pro, but he’d never seen a floor like this before. The wood flooring in the first three rooms of the home, built in the early 1970s by Leonard G. Herring, who was part of the management team that built the Lowe’s Companies, had flooring with strip pieces 1¾-inch wide, but throughout the floor they had been assembled into short sections where up to three rows were aligned, and some ends had pegs of the same species.

Harbour was perplexed. “Normally you’d want the joints to stagger,” he says. And looking at the wood, with its original finish still intact, he didn’t recognize the species. “I was texting everybody I knew, and Daniel Boone said it was teak.” The homeowner, who had purchased the home, then found a sample, confirming it was, indeed, teak. The sample said it was a “Thai Teak” product from a Philadelphia-based company called Bangkok Industries Inc. in a “T & G Colonial Williamsburg” pattern with sealer and wax.

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