A Key to Better Sanding: Know Your Scratch

Daniel Boone Headshot
You need to learn the scratch of all the different abrasives you use to get the results you want.
You need to learn the scratch of all the different abrasives you use to get the results you want.

I get a lot of phone calls from people who say they can’t get the scratches out on the floor they’re sanding. One of the first things I’ll ask is: What color paper are you using? Many people just buy a certain grit number and then sand without thinking about the mineral on the paper. But to understand how to get a flat floor, you need to understand the scratch you’re getting with each type of abrasive.

The color of the abrasive identifies the mineral. The industry standard many of us grew up using was black: silicon carbide. It cuts well but is backed by paper, not cloth. It’s a forgiving paper without a severe scratch pattern.

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