How a Different Career Prepared Me for Wood Flooring Customers

Mort Neely Online Headshot
My partner, Dylan Siddle (at left) and I first met when I hired him to work on my mother’s house.
My partner, Dylan Siddle (at left) and I first met when I hired him to work on my mother’s house.

I’m not a woodworker, but I work with wood a lot. I partnered in a wood floor business in June of 2021. Prior to that, I’d spent almost 30 years in human services. I ran therapeutic residential programs for juvenile offenders and court-placed teenagers. In that career, I developed skills that have been valuable to our wood floor business. Before, my clients were young adults who took a very hard read on trusting anybody. The key to providing a helpful experience to them rested in the development of connection, trust and rapport (not unlike my wood flooring clients today).

I loved my career, but in 2019, my father passed, and 18 months later my mother wanted to relocate to where I lived (in another state). She sold her home and purchased one near mine that required significant renovations. I decided to leave my career to oversee those renovations, and I ended up working for the contractor who completed them. It was rewarding: I learned a lot, and I had a hand in renovating my mother’s new home. 

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