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The owner of this home in the historic district of Ocala, Fla., bought the house and wanted to create a more open concept home. That meant taking out some walls, which also meant professional wood flooring work was necessary to create a seamless look, lacing in new wood flooring to the existing red oak floors. That's where Anthony LiCausi, CEO at Ocala-based Finishing Touch Floors, came in. "They originally wanted to stain it to hide the old-wood-to-new-wood color differences, but once they saw it sanded and saw that the color match was perfect, they chose to go natural," LiCausi explains. After two passes with his big machine, he used 60, 80 and 100 grits with his HydraSand and did a final cut with a 100 screen. Then he used a seal coat of Zinsser clear shellac "for color" and three coats of waterborne Loba Easy Finish in semigloss, leaving no evidence that there is a combination of new and old flooring in this historic home.