Here's a way to strain your finish that even the clutziest of wood flooring contractors can handle with ease. First, cut a hole in the finish lid. Then, stretch a piece of paint straining mesh over the bottle. Screw the lid down tight and trim off the excess, and you've got a perfect way to strain the finish as you pour.
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Here's a way to strain your finish that even the clutziest of wood flooring contractors can handle with ease. First, cut a hole in the finish lid. Then, stretch a piece of paint straining mesh over the bottle. Screw the lid down tight and trim off the excess, and you've got a perfect way to strain the finish as you pour.
Thanks to Kjell Nymark at Vancouver, B.C.-based Precision Hardwood Floor Services for his tip. Do you have a Trick of the Trade to share? Email it to WFB.
All Things Wood Floor, created by Wood Floor Business magazine, talks to interesting wood flooring pros to share knowledge, stories and tips on everything to do with wood flooring, from installation, sanding and finishing to business management.