LL Flooring and the National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program (NFCAP) joined forces to launch a training facility at the Gary Job Corps Center in San Marcos, Texas.
Participating Gary Job Corps students began the NFCAP pre-apprenticeship program this spring, preparing for future apprenticeship placements with LL FLooring’s network of independent contractors.
LL Flooring and the National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program (NFCAP) joined forces to launch a training facility at the Gary Job Corps Center in San Marcos, Texas.
Participating Gary Job Corps students began the NFCAP pre-apprenticeship program this spring, preparing for future apprenticeship placements with LL FLooring’s network of independent contractors.
The facility includes classrooms, training stations and equipment. Pre-apprentices will work with LL Flooring products donated by LL Flooring. Courses are led by NFCAP-approved instructors.
NFCAP, a non-profit, was founded by Carlos Mongalo, a second-generation, Miami-based flooring business owner who also developed Glowry, a glow-in-the-dark wood floor finish.
“Partnering with Gary Job Corps is a first step in bringing this apprenticeship into other Job Corps across the country to help us train the next generation of flooring installers,” Mongalo said in a statement.
More about the NFCAP can be found here.