The Job That Taught Me to Protect My Time and Say ‘No’

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The Job That Taught Me

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I’m reflecting on a job I recently finished, and came to some awareness that seems elemental to all hard-working people—no matter what the trade or the work. The client was in a different trade, but one with a lot of similarities to wood flooring. In the beginning of the job, I was asked if I worked on the weekends, and I said, “No, I do not.” The client’s schedule was such that the weekend was their best time, and after being pushed, I said I need weekends for family, church, fixing tools, etc. The ball was in the client’s court, as they say, and we subsequently agreed on a day of the week when the client would take the day off. We worked a long day, and the work was completed at 10:30 that night (workdays are fair game, but not the weekends). I got a $100 tip for my effort.

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