Crystal Morgan
I thought it was just me, but it must be a thing. It seems to happen in old houses the most. I see someone out of the corner of my eye, but when I look up no one is there. Feelings of being watched … and then sometimes weird things happen, like odd little accidents that make me feel like something doesn’t want us there changing things up.
Thomas Lane
I have several ... it always seems to happen when I’m edging, so when I’m hyper focused on the task at hand. One time my buddy was running the big machine in one room and I was in a completely different room, with mask and headphones on and in my zone. Out of my peripheral vision I see somebody walk up and look over my shoulder and then walk off. I assumed it was him checking on me, but when I looked there was nobody. I went to find him and he was in the middle of sanding ... we were the only ones there.
Another time I’m edging this old pine floor in a Civil War-era house and I see somebody walk by the window outside. I think it’s the painters or whomever—then I remember I’m on the second story, and there’s no roof ledge. I went to check, and we were the only ones there.
One time we were coating our way out of a house and had just finished the hallway when we both saw a figure cross the hall from one room to the next. Again, nobody was there. I thought I was tripping, but then the person I was with asked, “Did you just see that?”
I guess we never really work alone, LOL.
Chris McElroy
We were working in my son’s house; he had so many instances prior. We stopped, and my son H and my employee C were talking. I asked what was up. C told me he was edging, and when he opened the basement door to edge, he said he saw a pair of legs hanging from the ceiling. I looked down the stairs and there was a buffer at the bottom of the stairs. I told him he saw my buffer, and C told me he knows what a buffer looks like. He said he saw a pair of legs in black stockings wearing black patent leather shoes. I asked him what he did, and he told me he just shut the door and went back to work—he’s not feeding into that $hit. The kicker of the deal was this house, when originally built, was built for the servants who worked in the bigger house next door. There was a maid and two sisters who lived there, and the maid hung herself in the basement.
Jacqueline Michelle
We have SO many. The creepiest was a vacant house. We put on a coat of poly, locked up and left for the night. The next morning we came to the house, unlocked the door, and found child-sized footprints in the poly starting in the middle of the very large room and ending ... in the wall. We were always skeptical prior to that, but I have no logical explanation for it. In the same house, my husband was working alone doing some repairs to the inlay. Only the back door where he entered was unlocked. He turned around to find all the drawers in the kitchen open. He thought maybe it was from vibrations of his saws, so he closed them and turned around. He heard a strange noise and immediately turned back around … and they were all open again. Old Louisville, where we are based, is known as one of the most haunted neighborhoods in the country, and after several unexplainable experiences, we’re believers.
Chris Betts
I was working in a nursing home and I saw a lady sitting in a chair in a vacant room. I took a step back and looked in again, and she was gone. I described the woman to the staff, and they showed me her picture—she had passed years before in that room. She was the grandmother of one of the nurses.
T.J. Haas
I had a commercial customer with a “ghost” they called Harvey. I was working overnights one time and everyone left and locked me in. About 20 minutes later I walked around by the welcome desk and saw a guy walking in the door. Scared the $hit out of me! Nice guy, though. He said he was looking for Mike. I knew an old maintenance man named Mike and told him Mike wasn’t there. He said, “Okay, tell Mike Harvey said ‘hi,’” and he walked back around the corner, presumably out the door. I went to check the door and it was locked.
RELATED: Tales From the Front: A Real Wood Floor Ghost Story