A History: 100 Years of Maple Wood Flooring

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Many maple flooring companies began as offshoots of sawmill businesses. Such was the case with the Yawkey-Bissell Flooring Co., where these scenes were captured early in the century. The Yawkey-Bissell mill in White Lake, Wis. (above) became the site of a present-day Robbins plant.Many maple flooring companies began as offshoots of sawmill businesses. Such was the case with the Yawkey-Bissell Flooring Co., where these scenes were captured early in the century. The Yawkey-Bissell mill in White Lake, Wis. (above) became the site of a present-day Robbins plant.

At one time, maple hardwood floors were an essential part of everyday American life. They covered the floors of huge factories, schools and post offices, among myriad other uses. Business was booming, the forests seemed endless, and the leading manufacturers saw the need to create the Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association, introducing a system of standards and grading to the growing industry.

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