If you have an American Sanders Super 7R edger, then it's time to meet grandpa. This is the Clarke Model C-5, shown here in photos submitted by Woodchuck Flooring Inc. in Toronto, Ontario. The C-5 was built by Clarke in the late 1940s and early 1950s to sand stairs and small areas. At the time, it was part of a family of handheld machines, including the F-5 and the OSA. They were all discontinued in the mid-to-late 1970s. That's when the Super 7A took over. Eventually, the 7A was replaced by the 7R, creating a third generation.
All Things Wood Floor, created by Wood Floor Business magazine, talks to interesting wood flooring pros to share knowledge, stories and tips on everything to do with wood flooring, from installation, sanding and finishing to business management.