The Top Reasons Why Finishes Fail (to Perform)

The contractor on this job applied the second coat of waterborne finish without abrading; the first coat had become too inert after sitting more than 72 hours.
The contractor on this job applied the second coat of waterborne finish without abrading; the first coat had become too inert after sitting more than 72 hours.

Most catastrophic finish failures are straightforward: a shortcut gone wrong; an “I’ve always done it this way” system failing; ignoring dry and cure times; not providing fresh/thorough abrasion, etc. The more difficult, and perhaps more important question is: “What am I doing that causes the finish not to perform up to expectations?” In no particular order, here are some of the main errors:

Not keeping it clean: Dust and debris are your finish’s worst enemy. When these particles show up in your final coat and you walk into a room of sticky notes, review your dust containment system and your final cleanup before the coating.

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