Walking in Someone Else's Shoes on Job Sites in Denver

Wayne Lee 24 Copy Headshot
We aren't in Springville, Tenn., anymore.
We aren't in Springville, Tenn., anymore.

We aren't in Springville, Tenn., anymore.We aren't in Springville, Tenn., anymore.They say it's a privilege to walk in another man's shoes. In my last post, I talked about heading to Denver to walk in the shoes of those contractors, learning the Denver market and the adjustments those installers need to make for the installation of wood flooring. Over the next few days it was my privilege to walk over 20 new install job sites and three or four sand-and-finish jobs.

My first comment? It’s a whole new world. But, like with most new steps in life, we learn how to adjust and adapt. The first few jobs we went on were simple straight-lay floors with a dark stain and a simple layout. At first look, they were nothing to brag or blog about, but then it hit me: They were wide hickory flooring stained brown.

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