Pushing My Abilities to the Extreme: The Bulkhead During our ‘Craft and Code Masterclass’

Greg Ceglarski Headshot
Screenshot 2024 02 09 At 12 49 23 Pm

So we’re getting over the hangover from our inaugural “Craft and Code Masterclass” in the Scribed Factory in Brisbane, Australia. The hangover was caused by the stress of trying not to let anyone down: the instructors (Lenny Hall and Corey Osman, who gave up their time and traveled to the other side of the world from the U.S. and the U.K., respectively) and the students, who came from all ends of Australia and New Zealand to learn and experience the camaraderie of people coming together regardless of status, turnover or skill level, to become lifelong friends and share in the fight which is this industry.

I will talk more about the first few days of the school, but first I want to tell you about something from toward the end of the Masterclass. I touched on curved elements with a prefinished product, and some of the students participated with their own hands-on machines in making a little curved step. After that, it was all hands-on on the piece that we had put off in order to host the school. It’s the largest and hardest thing I’ve ever tackled, and it was great to work on something so technical and difficult in a school with the eager-to-learn participants but also an actual project we were engaged to do in the real world.

This piece was actually pushing my abilities to the extreme, and it's actually not going into a floor at all. Here is a picture of the element as we were working on it:

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And one of what it looks like installed:

Screenshot 2024 02 09 At 12 49 23 Pm

It’s one of three that make up a single triple-curved (concave/convex/concave) bulkhead, all scribed into a curved wall that will have an LED channel recessed into the completed installation.

You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates of the actual project. Scribed Flooring. Also, stay tuned for some exciting stuff from one of our students using techniques from the school in the real world!

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