Catching Up: How Much Wood Can a Woodchuck Chuck? Part 2

Wayne Lee 24 Copy Headshot
6 22 15 Tape Damage Wood Floor 1

Picking up where I left off last time

I have been working with a local company here in the local Nashville market on a factory-finish oil product glue-down. The install is great and the wood is nice, but the company that makes it has no clue how to aid the contractor with installation. The install team did everything they know to do: subfloor is flat to 1/6th in 6 feet, clean, dry and all the correct steps to get a wonderful install. The trouble was the company never worked with an oil finish on glue-down, so they used blue low-grab tape to hold it together (like we have all been shown to do) until the glue sets up to grab and hold. Most of the time you take a cleanup rag and wipe off any tape film or whatever it left behind, right? Not on an oil finish—the tape raised the grain. You can see it in these pics:

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