What a great week last week at the NWFA Principles of Wood Flooring school.
It was a full class—35 folks from different walks of life. Manufacturers, distributors and floor contractors were all in the house to learn more about wood flooring. Some the highlights for me were the youth and the desire to get better prepared. One young man on the panel, Locus from southern Illinois, was so willing to learn he gave up his dinner time to pick up the edger and begin to master it. There’s always the fun of seeing folks grab the big machine and let it rip, and, like in most Principles classes, there’s the buffer “techniques” and the way folks can’t master it right away—it’s fun to watch them get taken back by it.
The biggest highlight for me is the way the NWFA has taken to the instructors. Toby Merrill’s first lead class went great, he is the newest member to join the team of NWFA Regional Instructors. I met Toby when he was 18 or 19 at a distribution open house. Today he is an outstanding floor man teaching his craft to many. If you do not think you can learn at a NWFA training class, you need to come back and see the improvements for yourself. Here’s a quick video from me during the school:
A Great Way to Kick Off 2016 NWFA Schools
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