The NWFA has released the 2012 Installation Guidelines, and on page 3 the guidelines now include a statement about "Involved Parties." This is to help identify the roles of each party when it comes to the wood floor and who is responsible for testing, delivery, acclimation, installation, floor care, etc.
Why was it written? There simply are too many times then someone involved in the sale/delivery or installation of flooring is unaware of what their responsibilities are. Our goal was to identify each level of responsibility so that we can attempt to put a cap on passing the buck. Note that installers are responsible only for flooring installation procedure and site conditions while present on the job.
Here are the definitions included in the guidelines:
Manufacturer: Any individual or entity that physically manufacturers the wood flooring product.
Specifier: Any individual or entity (including, but not limited to, architects, builders, consultants, design centers, designers/decorators, end users, general contractors, flooring contractors, sales professionals) that recommends, specifies, or in any way advises the buyer prior to ordering, purchasing, and/or installing the wood floor products.
Supplier: Any individual or entity (including, but not limited to, distributor, importer) that receives product from a manufacturer and supplies the wood flooring products to a seller or buyer.
Seller: Any individual or entity (including, but not limited to, retail stores, big box stores, internetsales, interior designers, direct sales) that physically supplies/sells the wood flooring products to the buyer.
Buyer: Any individual or entity (including, but not limited to distributors, homeowners, installers, flooring contractors, general contractors) that is the first to use/handle/possess/receive/deliver the wood flooring material prior to installation of the wood flooring product.
Installer: Any individual or entity that physically installs and places into service the wood flooring product.
End-User: Any individual or entity that physically receives and puts to use the final wood flooring product.
To obtain a copy of the new 2012 Installation Guidelines, contact NWFA at (800) 848-8824 or go to