My Process to Successfully Stain Maple Flooring

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In our part of the country, staining maple floors is a typical part of the business, but it has to be done carefully.
In our part of the country, staining maple floors is a typical part of the business, but it has to be done carefully.

Staining maple can be nerve wracking, to say the least, no matter how much experience one has. In our area in Green Bay, Wis., close to the heart of the maple flooring industry, we deal with many existing maple wood floors, as well as new installations, so learning to work well with maple is simply a part of our daily lives. Here is how I go about staining when I’m dealing with a maple floor.

The moment the customer says β€œI would like to stain it” is the moment you need to start setting the expectations with that customer. I was taught to make the customer aware of what a stained maple may look like before you do the job. Otherwise, if they question it afterwards, whatever you say might be viewed as an excuse for your craftsmanship. I explain to the customer that maple is such a tight-grained wood with very small pores, and its density varies and can look β€œmarbled.” Once you get past this understanding with the customer, the final outcome is in the details from then on.

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