Wood Flooring Q&A: Why Do Some Woods Lighten in Color?

Given enough time in direct sun, most woods will fade to a silvery-gray color; this merbau floor had a drastic color change in just three years. (Photo courtesy Courtesy of Roy Reichow)
Given enough time in direct sun, most woods will fade to a silvery-gray color; this merbau floor had a drastic color change in just three years. (Photo courtesy Courtesy of Roy Reichow)

Given enough time in direct sun, most woods will fade to a silvery-gray color; this merbau floor had a drastic color change in just three years. (Photo courtesy Courtesy of Roy Reichow)Given enough time in direct sun, most woods will fade to a silvery-gray color; this merbau floor had a drastic color change in just three years. (Photo courtesy Courtesy of Roy Reichow)

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