Understand the Science of Water and Wood Floors

Dj22 Ftf Andrew St James Headshot
This cross-section of cypress shows cells that are approximately 0.002 inch across; rays are horizontal.
This cross-section of cypress shows cells that are approximately 0.002 inch across; rays are horizontal.

We all know the majority of wood flooring complaints are moisture-related. Although the relationship between water and wood can seem mysterious and complex, wood actually responds to moisture changes in predictable ways. Here's a look at the basic science behind why wood moves the way it does when it comes in contact with moisture. Once we understand that, we can end up with fewer problems, better floors and happier customers.

The cell is the basic structural unit of wood. Most wood cells are hollow cylinders, which you can see in the photo at right. In softwoods, the long dimension is typically 100 times greater than the diameter, and cells can average ¼ inch long. Hardwoods have a more varied cell structure, but the basic shapes are similar. The vertical direction in the stem of a normal tree is called the longitudinal direction; most cells are oriented in this direction.

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