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Eric Cohen of Boca Raton, Fla., and Nanuet, N.Y.-based Showcase Wood Floors received a call from a client who attempted to sand and refinish their hardwood floors themselves. "I was told that everything looked perfect until the staining process! So naturally my first request was to send me some pictures of the finished work. I almost dropped the phone out of my hands at first glance! It was so bad that I couldn't even tell what species the wood was." Cohen's crew used a Lägler Hummel with 50-grit Norton Red Heat paper on a slight angle to get the floor flat and remove any dishout, then used the American Sanders Epoch along with the HydraSand with steel 1⁄8-inch plates with 60-grit to make a slow pass directly across the grain. They then switched back to the Hummel using 80-grit followed by the Epoch with 80- and 120-grits. "Upon the sanding of this floor, the client could not believe the beauty of it, so they decided to keep it natural. The finish that we went with for this hardwood floor was Loba EasyPrime and two coats of EasyFinish Satin."