We asked you to show us your favorite reclaimed wood flooring projects; here are some of our favorite responses shared by readers on the WFB Facebook and Instagram pages.
Tony Horsman
Reclaimed timber from a Tibetan monk monastery.
Robbie Allen
Reclaimed "dirty top" heart pine in Baton Rouge, La.
Juan Ruiz
Reclaimed FSC teak.
Patrick J. Russell
Reclaimed heart pine installed in Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Mike Somodean
5- to 12-inch random-width barnwood.
Justin Hiers
Reclaimed Honduran heart pine.
Larry Israel
Reclaimed teak from the Great Wall of China for the owner of Salesforce.
Paul Digiore
1-inch-thick barnwood reclaimed and milled to match the rest of the 5,000-square-foot house. The stain is matched and coated with Loba semi-gloss.
RELATED: What I've Learned Working With Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Chris Kritzer
Some herringbone in a cool hidden room. No, I can't tell you where. Flooring from Mountain Lumber Company.
Lorie Davidson
Wire-brushed, eased-edge 12-inch plank.
Kevin Kocher
Random-width barnwood.
James Cortright
This was a mixed species floor, but my favorite part was all the windows they let us install. It really added to how cool the floors were.
Tom Ourada
Reclaimed 21/2-by-41/2-inch pallet beams (Brazilian cherry?) cut into ¾-inch end-grain pieces.
Jason Vivash
Reclaimed oak chevron with wenge/leopardwood diamonds.