‘When This Board Is Lifted Again…’: Floorboard Message From Irish Civil War Uncovered 100 Years Later

A floorboard with a 100-year-old wartime message on it was donated to the Louth County Museum in Dundalk, Ireland.
A floorboard with a 100-year-old wartime message on it was donated to the Louth County Museum in Dundalk, Ireland.

A floorboard with a message scrawled underneath was donated to the Louth County Museum in Ireland in December—100 years after the note was dated on Dec. 30, 1922.

The grim war-time message appeared to have been written before the floorboard was installed in the hopes it would be discovered later, The Argus reported.

The message states:

“Poor Jack Doyle, found shot Dead [sic] this morning

above Sherry’s cross. Folded with his hands tied

behind his back and 4 bullets in him. A label on his

breast convicted spy. How will it all end I hope when

this board is lifted again. That the curse of civil war

and the dark cloud that hangs over our country will

be things -------- [writing is obscured]”

Museum staff are still working to pinpoint the origins of the floorboard, according to The Argus. The Irish Civil War lasted from June 1922 to May 1923.

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