Tips To Avoid Trouble on Engineered Flooring Installations

Johnny Rodriguez Headshot
If you have poor prep, you’ll have a poor install, so we make sure the subfloor is clean and as flat as possible.
If you have poor prep, you’ll have a poor install, so we make sure the subfloor is clean and as flat as possible.

I’ve been in the flooring industry for about 25 years already. I started out doing nail-down solid wood flooring, but here in Texas it’s a huge engineered market, and about 60 percent of my business is now either gluing down or nailing down engineered plank. It’s a cut-throat market with builders wanting to get everything done as soon as possible, but you still need to follow the directions. There’s a lot of science behind this engineered flooring, and if you don’t follow directions, you might have complications down the line. Giving in to that “hurry up” mentality is where everything goes south.

First (and most important), you’ve gotta have motivation! For me it’s the Metallica playlist on the DeWalt boombox to get off on the right path. Then …

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