Trick of the Trade: Being on a Roll Makes Loading, Unloading Easier

Dj23 Tot Totes Primary

This issue’s trick is from Michael Rodrigues of Cadillac, Mich.-based CSC Wood Flooring:

I use totes to organize everything I take in and out of a job site. I use the heavy black ones for things like the edger or the nail guns, while the ones with clear lids help with the miscellaneous items, like sanding belts. Using a four-wheel dolly and ramps, you can roll four at a time into the house. I originally thought I’d strap them down in my trailer with D rings, but I found they can stack three high and never tip over. I also have a saw station with locking wheels for the saw setup. It’s all so much easier than a ton of trips in and out of the customer’s house!

Dj23 Trick Of The Trade Totes

Pinterest 100x100See a collection of previous job-site tips on our Pinterest Trick of the Trade board. Do you have a Trick of the Trade to share? Email it to WFB. If we use it, we'll send you a WFB T-shirt.

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