Trick of the Trade: Protecting Existing Flooring in a Flash

Jj23 Tot Flashing

This issue’s tip comes from Anthony Magaro of Camp Hill, Pa.-based Mr. Sandman Inc. (and 2021 WFB Ultimate Wood Floor Guy):

When you’re installing, sanding and finishing new flooring next to an existing floor, damaging that existing flooring is always a concern. In the pictures from this job, I was adding wood flooring next to flooring slightly lower than the new flooring. I used coil stock right next to the new flooring so that I could easily sand the new flooring (in these photos, I’m using a random orbital, but I also use this trick with the edger). Using this flashing saves both time and the aggravation of having to touch up existing flooring.

Pinterest 100x100See a collection of previous job-site tips on our Pinterest Trick of the Trade board. Do you have a Trick of the Trade to share? Email it to WFB. If we use it, we'll send you a WFB T-shirt.

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