Trick of the Trade: Guaranteed Internet on the Job Site

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This issue’s tip is from pro Dax Williams of Madison, Conn.-based New England Overland Floor Specialists:

A lot of my projects take weeks or even months. After spending the majority of my summer on a job with no internet service, I got Starlink. It’s easy to use and works way better than I thought it would. Comcast raised my bill by 30% with no warning, which is typical of one of the most hated companies in America. Now for almost the same cost I can take my internet with me and give Comcast the finger, which is priceless. I did have to cough up $700 for the dish and router, but the standard internet is $40/month cheaper (if I want to bring it with me, it’s only a $60 additional charge a month). I can also go back and forth between plans at will—I can pay the extra money to have it mobile for a month or two, then turn it off to save money when I know it’ll be stationary.

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