Lorie Davidson now owns Davidson Wood Flooring in Dahlonega, Ga., but at age 20 he worked for a wood flooring company and had what he calls “not one of my finest moments.” As he tells it:
“Back then we had just had kids, and I was playing in bands, so I wasn’t sleeping a lot. I was supposed to be supervising a crew who didn’t speak much English. One day at lunch I fell asleep on the floor, and the guys in the crew were afraid to wake me, so when they needed to flood-fill the floor, they just troweled right around me. I finally woke up with a start and went back to work. I was sanding when the company owner showed up to check the job. He saw the spot where I slept and asked what that was. I had to explain what happened, and he fired me. It didn’t matter, because in the ‘90s in Atlanta you could just make a phone call and get another job immediately. I wish I had a picture of the floor, though—it looked like a crime scene where they tape off the body.”
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