Hand-Scraped Floors, Part 1: How to Texture a Floor

Avi Hadad Headshot
Hand Scraped Wood Floor

Hand Scraped Wood FloorThe true, budget-exploding, high-end, classy hand-scraped floors are timeless. Hand-scraped means different things to different people. What I will address here is how to use hook scrapers to texture the floor. That is it. The idea behind it is not to make it look old or time-worn. It is simply to texture the surface of the wood floor, like in the photo at right. Some people claim that scraping a floor makes it more interesting to the eye or complements certain styles. Some people hate it. There is a fine line between a beautifully scraped floor and floor that looks like an accident. We have all seen the videos online of guys butchering a floor with scrapers; this is not what we are trying to achieve here.

You can scrape your floor standing up before you install it, or on your knees in place. If I need to scrape a floor before installation, to save time, I will do it while it is acclimating on-site. In that case I will build a bench on-site. Setting up a temporary scraping bench requires a few things:

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