A Six-Year Index of Green Blog Posts

Elizabeth Baldwin Headshot

So here we are, coming up toward the end of another year, so I think it’s time to wrap up the six years of blogging with one final big index! This will be my last regular post here, but I’ve told the gang here to keep the old posts up because I immodestly assume that most remain fairly relevant and sometimes useful. For that reason, it is also certainly possible that some of them may also appear elsewhere online as well—I don’t like to do anything to restrict the sharing of useful knowledge.

I’ve reorganized the index system a little bit, but as in the past, have placed things chronological within each topic. And what have I covered over the last six years? Well, this year and last, I’ve definitely done plenty of posts on Considering Chemophobia, Science and Trying Not to Sell Fear , including features about the formaldehyde in eggs and pears and other treats or how really, it’s all about the dosage. Posts Regarding Formaldehyde (and Other Chemicals) have been frequent since day one (and obvious in terms of topic!), and for convenience, I split out a subsection specific to Formaldehyde and the Upcoming EPA Regulations. And all of those are related to the broader Issues on Air Quality and Emissions , which includes posts about 1350 and finishes and more.

There have been dozens of posts regarding Legality Issues: Lacey and the World Beyond and this year, many posts regarding supply conditions in the U.S.

Green Marketing, GreenWashing, and Green Label Issues, Green Wood Stats, Facts and Figures and LEED and other Green Building Programs are natural enough themes for this blog, right?

I have tried to provide some more serious education in the various series such as Getting Technical and Alphabet Soup Series or in posts on Political and Regulatory Issues.

Considerations on the ways we govern our industry can be found in Industry Associations and Standards. Trade Shows and Conferences are often highlighting the fun part of the industry, while Interviews with Organizations on the Ground provide greater insight into all sorts from university resources to ENGO activities to trade groups.

And posts looking at specific wood species, wood types and so on are logically enough in Talking Timber: Posts on Plantations, Species, Forests and Recycled and Reclaimed Wood.

Things that really didn’t fit easily into any of those categories (like my father’s analysis of strange measurement systems) got stuck in Miscellaneous, and then finally we have my Philosophical Ramblings on everything from biology and the environment and the space program, to inspirations of mine. And I should really express appreciation with how you’ve kindly and patiently indulged my musings on the world. It’s been nice to have a soapbox now and then to post my reflections on things…

So that’s it, folks. Many thanks to everyone for all their help, to both the team at AB Media and at the NWFA for getting us started on this, with a particularly giant thank you to my long-suffering editor, Kim. And again to Metropolitan for sponsoring this. Also, huge shout outs and thanks to all the guest bloggers over the years and to those professionals who helped behind the scenes to keep this blog accurate. I am really rather embarrassed to be taking the credit for the work of so many. I send you all my best to you for success in 2017 and beyond.

As for everyone else, thanks for reading. Come find me at Surfaces or the IWPA or NWFA conventions, or if next year is anything like this past one, look for me in transit at SFO. And if you’re a new reader, having just stumbled upon this, hopefully you’ll find something here to entertain or to educate, or, if I’m really lucky, both.

All my best,

Elizabeth Baldwin, ECO

Metropolitan Hardwood Floors


Considering Chemophobia, Science & Trying Not to Sell Fear

11/02/10 Formaldehyde, Part 6: Fun Formaldehyde Facts

3/26/13 Formaldehyde-Filled Children

4/16/13 Let's Stop Scaring People About Formaldehyde

4/23/13 We're all Chemicals

4/30/13 Smokers Have More Chemicals

2/2/16 Formaldehyde: What Went In vs. What Went Out

3/1/16 Formaldehyde for Foodies

3/8/16 Well, It Caused Cancer in Rats

3/15/16 A (Reasonable) Dose of Fear?

5/24/16 Continuing to Battle Chemophobia

5/31/16 Celebrity Carcinogens

6/7/16 Weighty Words

7/19/16 Corrupted by Statistics, part 4: Bad Science (or Bad Reporting of Science)

7/26/16 Corrupted by Statistics, part 5: Preconceptional Science

8/2/16 Corrupted by Statistics, part 6: Beginning with Bias

8/9/16 A Last Bit on Statistics, Science, Media and Language


Regarding Formaldehyde (and Other Chemicals):

09/21/10 Formaldehyde, Part 1: The "CARBonization" of America

09/28/10 Formaldehyde, Part 2: Emissions vs. Content

10/05/10 Formaldehyde, Part 3: CARB's Approach to Formaldehyde in Composite Wood Products

10/12/10 Formaldehyde, Part 4a: The Flooring Industry's Responsibilities Under CARB (Part 1: Documentation)

10/19/10 Formaldehyde, Part 4b: The Flooring Industry's Responsibilities Under CARB (Part 2: Emissions)

10/26/10 Formaldehyde, Part 5: LEED and the Air Quality Standard

11/02/10 Formaldehyde, Part 6: Fun Formaldehyde Facts

4/17/12 Formaldehyde Certifications: Product vs. Process

4/24/12 Got a Hot Panel?

5/1/12 Is Double Certification in our Future?

12/18/12 Goodbye to the MSDS

3/26/13 Formaldehyde-Filled Children

4/16/13 Formaldehyde Comparisons: Let's Stop Scaring People About Formaldehyde

4/23/13 We're all Chemicals

4/30/13 Smokers Have More Chemicals

7/16/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 9 of many: TPC

12/16/14 What’s U Good For

11/17/15 Canada gets CARBonized

12/1/15 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 21 of many: IAQ

1/5/16 Only Five Commenting Days Left!

2/2/16 What Went In vs. What Went Out

3/1/16 Formaldehyde for Foodies

3/8/16 Well, It Caused Cancer in Rats

3/15/16 A (Reasonable) Dose of Fear?

5/24/16 Continuing to Battle Chemophobia

5/31/16 Celebrity Carcinogens

6/7/16 Weighty Words

6/21/16 CARB gets Animated: Video Entertainment, um, I Mean Education


Formaldehyde and the Upcoming EPA Regulations

2/12/13 Surfaces Review & Upcoming Formaldehyde Fun

6/4/13 Proposed EPA Regulations Impact Engineered Flooring

6/11/13 Going NAF

6/18/13 You Have Until August 9th

6/25/13 EPA for Distributors and Retailers

8/6/13 No New Manufacturing?

8/13/13 EPA Penalties

8/20/13 EPA for Importers (and the rest of the market too)

8/27/13 EPA and Distributors/Retailers and Labels

9/3/13 JIW: Just in Warehouse?

9/10/13 The Input of Last Resort

5/20/14 Typing EPA Commentary

9/6/16 EPA Formaldehyde Rule–Clarity Will Come


Issues on Air Quality and Emissions

9/14/10 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 1 of Many: VOC

8/21/12 The Green Nature of Factory Finishing

8/19/14 Alphabet Soup Series, part 14 of many: NAx

9/23/14 Testing Standards vs. Brands: Learn about Thirteen Fifty

10/7/14 Goodbye to NAUF?

10/14/14 Zeroing in on Language, part 1, Zero Content

10/21/14 Zeroing in on Language, part 2, Valuing E0

10/28/14 Zeroing in on Language, part 3, Compliant vs. Certified

12/9/14 Cleaner Air Through Better Finishing?

12/1/15 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 21 of many: IAQ

2/2/16 Formaldehyde: What Went In vs. What Went Out

6/21/16 CARB gets Animated: Video Entertainment, um, I Mean Education


Legality Issues: Lacey and the World Beyond

03/01/11 Gohowood in Japan

03/08/11 Resources for the Lacey Act and Legality

04/12/11 The Lacey Act: What it Says

04/19/11 Lacey's Documentary Burden for Importers

04/26/11 Lacey's Legality Burden

05/03/11 Lacey and Marketing U.S. Woods

11/15/11 Lacey in the U.S., Part 1

11/22/11 Lacey in the U.S., Part 2

11/29/11 The Lacey Act and Gibson Guitar

12/06/11 Lacey's Broad Scope

12/13/11 The Proposed Lacey RELIEF Act

8/28/12 EUTR: The European Lacey?

9/4/12 FLEGT! (Gesundheit!?!)

3/27/12 If Prison Labor Shipments Were Lacey Violations

10/2/12 Useful Report: Legality

10/9/12 Useful Report: Certification

10/16/12 Do you feel guilty?

10/23/12 OK, last one on legality for a while, I promise

2/26/13 New Indonesian Legality Regulations

3/5/13 EUTR Enforcement Starts This Week

3/12/13 Green Lane Legality

3/19/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 8 of many: SRA

5/21/13 Proposed Lacey ANSI Standard

7/9/13 Lacey: "That is That Made-in-America Thing"

6/17/14 Russian Woods to be listed on CITES, part 1

6/24/14 Russian Woods to be listed on CITES, part 2

7/1/14 ILP Down Under, part 1

7/8/14 ILP Down Under, part 2

2/10/15 Lacey & Illegal Logging Updates

2/17/15 Additional Lacey Updates: Declaration Issues

8/11/15 An Economic Value for a Forest Leads to Having a Forest

8/18/15 Lacey Updates

8/25/15 It all counts: Small thefts from around the world

9/1/15 How to Buy Wood from Burma

10/6/15 Considering US Timber Theft - Nina Cornett Interview, pt 1

10/13/15 Considering US Timber Theft - Nina Cornett Interview, pt 2

10/20/15 Considering US Timber Theft - Nina Cornett Interview, pt 3

10/27/15 Considering US Timber Theft - Nina Cornett Interview, pt 4

2/16/16 Update on U.S. Timber Laws: Kentucky Edition!

2/23/16 Update on U.S. Timber Laws: Virginia Edition!

3/22/16 Due Care Training Now Available

3/29/16 Update on U.S. Timber Laws: Virginia Edition, Part 2: Getting Personal

4/5/16 Update on U.S. Timber Laws: Virginia Edition, Part 3: Crunching Numbers

4/12/16 Update on U.S. Timber Laws: Georgia Edition!

6/28/16 Corrupted by Statistics, Part 1

7/5/16 Corrupted by Statistics, part 2: Selective Surveys

7/12/16 Corrupted by Statistics, part 3: Going Beyond Summaries

8/9/16 A Last Bit on Statistics, Science, Media and Language

8/30/16 Last Chance This Year to Attend the IWPA Compliance Training

11/15/16 Congratulations, Indonesia!

11/22/16 Trans Pacific Forestry

11/29/16 Due Diligence Required for Imports

12/6/16 Gate Wood Concerns

12/13/16 A Compliance Culture


Green Marketing, Greenwashing & Green Issues

01/25/11 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 4: Greenwashing

02/01/11 Greenwashing with Logos

02/08/11 Sins of Greenwashing, Part 1

02/15/11 Sins of Greenwashing, Part 2

02/22/11 Misuse of the FSC Logo

05/10/11 Green as the Default at the NWFA Convention

05/31/11 Language Choices: A Chat About Merbau

08/09/11 Spacecraft Earth

9/13/11 China & Being Green

9/20/11 A Strong International Market Helps Green China

10/11/11 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 5: CSR

12/11/12 Green Labels: What's Really in my Pie?

1/22/13 Where's the Green in Surfaces?

4/9/13 Response to Avi's Bamboo/Engineered Post

5/7/13 More state legislation to watch

11/13/12 You Say Jatoba, I Say... Clarifying Wood Floor Marketing Names

12/11/12 Green Labels: What’s really in my pie?

1/22/13 Where’s the Green in Surfaces?

4/9/13 Response to Avi's Bamboo/Engineered Post

5/7/13 More State Legislation to Watch

8/26/14 Prop 65 Label Resources

9/30/14 Comparing Green Programs

7/14/15 Green Finishes–A Student Appeal

11/10/15 Prop 65 in Pictures

11/1/16 Report Logo Abuse


Green Wood Stats, Facts and Figures

6/26/12 Wood vs. Cement (and other building products)

7/3/12 Let's Look at Some Life Cycle Analyses of Wood

4/3/12 Good News about the World's Forests

4/10/12 Global Carbon Emissions

5/14/13 Images of Recycling (and Not), Part 1

5/28/13 Images of Recycling (and Not), Part 2

8/12/14 Trees Save Lives

2/3/15 A 97% Loss of an Original Forest

3/10/15 Sustainable Purchasing: Looking Beyond Wood

6/9/15 New Useful Information Resource from the WWF

6/16/15 FSC Data: Watching Global Certification Numbers

4/19/16 U.S. Hardwoods’ LCA: Life Cycle Assessement

4/26/16 Trees are a Hot Topic—But I Bet Not in the Way You’re Thinking…

11/8/16 Visual Comparison of FSC and PEFC


Getting Technical

01/04/11 Green Install Tips and Tricks

11/26/13 Getting Technical: Stable Isotope Analysis, Pt. 1

12/3/13 Getting Technical: Stable Isotope Analysis, Pt. 2

2/4/14 Guest Blog: Site Finishes

2/11/14 Guest Blog: Contracting Green

2/18/14 Getting Technical: Your Wood’s DNA, pt 1

2/25/14 Getting Technical: Your Wood’s DNA, pt 2

3/4/14 Getting Technical: Wood Identification, pt 1: Getting Started

3/11/14 Getting Technical: Wood Identification, pt 2: The Cells Themselves

3/18/14 Getting Technical: Wood Identification, pt 3: Tropicals

3/25/14 Getting Technical: Wood Hardness, pt 1: What is Janka?

4/1/14 Getting Technical: Wood Hardness, pt 2: Variations in Results

4/8/14 Getting Technical: Wood Hardness, pt 3: Comparing Species

4/15/14 Getting (Really!) Technical: Wood Hardness, pt 4: Janka vs Brinell

4/22/14 Getting Technical: Wood Hardness, pt 5: Resources

5/13/14 What about Monnin Hardness?

12/16/14 What’s U Good For…

3/31/15 What Engineered Flooring Tests do You Want to See?

4/7/15 Repeating the Call for Ideas About Testing Engineered Flooring

4/28/15 ASTM PERM Testing

5/12/15 Getting Technical: Fungus in My Finish, Part 1

5/19/15 Getting Technical: Fungus in My Finish, Part 2

5/26/15 Getting Technical: Fungus in My Finish, Part 3

6/2/15 Getting Technical: Fungus in My Finish, Part 4: Just Enjoy the Pictures!

12/8/15 Sounding off about Underlayment, Part 1

12/15/15 Sounding off about Underlayment, Part 2

9/20/16 Be it “High” “Medium” or “Light/Low,” it’s all the same DF!


Alphabet Soup Series

09/14/10 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 1 of Many: VOC

11/30/10 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 2: LEED

12/28/10 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 3: MSDS

01/25/11 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 4: Greenwashing

10/11/11 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 5: CSR

5/29/12 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 6 of Many: Seeing REDD

11/6/12 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 7 of Many: APHIS

3/19/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 8 of many: SRA

7/16/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 9 of many: TPC

9/17/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 10 of many: CoC

11/12/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 11 of many: LCA: Life Cycle Analysis/Life Cycle Assessment

11/19/13 Alphabet Soup Series, part 12 of many: EPD: Environmental Product Declaration

6/10/14 Alphabet Soup Series: part 13 of many: CITES

8/19/14 Alphabet Soup Series, part 14 of many: NAx

9/2/14 Alphabet Soup Series, part 15 of many: ISO

12/2/14 Alphabet Soup Series, part 16 of many: ESA

4/14/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 17 of many: ASTM

4/21/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 18 of many: ANSI

7/28/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 19 of many: Cradle to…

9/29/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 20 of many: ULEF

12/1/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 21 of many: IAQ

10/4/16 Alphabet Soup, part 22 of many: PEFC

10/11/16 Alphabet Soup, part 23 of many: SFI, ATFS, CSA (PEFC in North America)

10/18/16 Alphabet Soup, part 24 of many: MTCC, CERFLOR, AFS (PEFC Internationally)

10/25/16 Alphabet Soup, part 25 of many: FSC


LEED and Other Green Building Programs

08/31/10 LEED and Certified Wood: Let's Acknowledge 'Wood is Good'

11/30/10 Alphabet Soup Series, Part 2: LEED

05/17/11 Let's Look at LEED, Part 1: Basic Vocab

05/24/11 Let's Look at LEED, Part 2: Specific Credits for Flooring

6/19/12 A LEEDing Statistic

11/27/12 Eco-Friendly Offices ... But Where's the Wood?

12/4/12 Express Your Views on LEED

2/19/13 Federal Construction & Mandating LEED

8/5/14 Building Green vs. Building Certified

11/4/14 Learning LEED (the v4 edition)

11/11/14 LEED v4: The Radical Restructuring

11/18/14 LEED v4: Going Certified and Transparent

11/25/14 LEED v4: Changes to the Familiar

2/24/15 LEED v4 and Federal Projects

3/17/15 LEEDing Statistics Update


Political & Regulatory Issues

12/13/11 The Proposed Lacey RELIEF Act

9/13/11 China & Being Green

9/20/11 A Strong International Market Helps Green China

3/27/12 If Prison Labor Shipments were Lacey Violations

10/30/12 Plywood Dumping Case: What Will the Effects Be?

5/7/13 More State Legislation to Watch

6/18/13 You Have Until August 9th

7/23/13 Seeking Common Sense

11/5/13 Hardwood Federation Fly-In 2013

8/26/14 Prop 65 Label Resources

9/9/14 Hardwood Federation Fly-In 2014

9/16/14 Threatened, But Not By Us...

6/23/15 Booming Biomass

6/30/15 Check out the Checkoff

11/3/15 Make it the Forest Service Again, Not the Fire Service

11/22/16 Trans Pacific Forestry

12/13/16 A Compliance Culture


Industry Associations and Standards

09/07/10 Should We Have Green Standards? (Grades vs. Standards)

11/23/10 Forest Management Practices & Timber Certification in Malaysia

12/14/10 Association Resources, Part 1: In the Industry

12/21/10 Association Resources, Part 2: Green Building

09/06/11 IWPA & AHEC: An Expanded Focus

9/27/11 Evaluating Production Sources

12/18/12 Goodbye to the MSDS

10/28/14 Zeroing in on Language, Part 3: Compliant vs. Certified

4/14/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 17 of many: ASTM

4/21/15 Alphabet Soup Series, part 18 of many: ANSI

9/20/16 Be it “High” “Medium” or “Light/Low,” it’s all the same DF!

12/13/16 A Compliance Culture


Talking Timber: Posts on Plantations, Species, Forests

08/17/10 Banning Tropical Timber = Burning Tropical Timber

08/24/10 Ask Your Suppliers for LKS

11/09/10 Visit to FRIM, Part 1

11/16/10 Visit to FRIM, Part 2 (pictures)

12/07/10 A Green Grass?

01/11/11 Carbon Credit Confusion

01/18/11 Options for Funding Certification

06/07/11 What Mother Nature puts in Wood May Not Always Be Good for You, Either

06/14/11 Gifts from Old Ma Nature

06/21/11 Dead Trees Standing

07/05/11 Plantations Pros and Cons, Part 1: the Cons

07/12/11 Plantations Pros and Cons, Part 2: the Pros

07/19/11 What's Hot in Plantations

07/26/11 Confucius or Confusion? What Acacia is This?

08/02/11 The Lowdown on Cork

5/15/12 Malaysian Plantations—Rubberwood, Minster Interview pt. 2

5/7/13 More State Legislation to Watch

11/3/15 Make it the Forest Service Again, Not the Fire Service

4/26/16 Trees are a Hot Topic—But I Bet Not in the Way You’re Thinking…


Recycled & Reclaimed Wood

06/21/11 Dead Trees Standing

7/10/12 Being Green with Salvaged & Reclaimed Wood, pt. 1

7/17/12 Being Green with Salvaged & Reclaimed Wood, pt. 2: New life for old logs

7/24/12 Being Green with Salvaged & Reclaimed Wood, pt. 3: Swim or Sink

7/31/12 Being Green with Salvaged & Reclaimed Wood, pt. 4: Economic Factors

8/7/12 Being Green with Salvaged & Reclaimed Wood, pt. 5: Selecting the Salvage

8/14/12 Being Green with Salvaged & Reclaimed Wood, pt. 6: Working the Wood


Interviews with Organizations on the Ground

03/15/11 Snakes and the GFTN (GFTN Interview, Part 1)

03/22/11 The GFTN Goes Flat (Temporarily) (GFTN Interview, Part 2)

03/29/11 I Have a Suggestion About the Chicken (GFTN Interview, Part 3)

10/18/11 Sustainable Harvest International (SHI), Part 1 (Almost 3 million trees planted!)

10/25/11 Sustainable Harvest International (SHI), Part 2

11/01/11 Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF), Part 1

11/08/11 Tropical Forest Foundation, Part 2

5/8/12 5.9 Million Hectares and Growing: Malaysian Minister Interview Pt. 1

5/15/12 Malaysian Plantations-Rubberwood & More, Malaysian Minster Interview, Pt. 2

5/22/12 100 Years of Green, Minister Interview, Pt. 3

9/11/12 An interview with Andre de Boer, pt 1

9/18/12 An interview with Andre de Boer, pt 2

9/25/12 An interview with Andre de Boer, pt 3

6/5/12 Rainforest Alliance Turns 25, Pt. 1

6/12/12 Rainforest Alliance Turns 25, Pt. 2

9/24/13 Guest Blog: Big Challenges, Greater Opportunities, Part 1

10/1/13 Guest Blog: Big Challenges, Greater Opportunities, Part 2

4/29/14 Universities as a Business Resource, pt 1

5/6/14 Universities as a Business Resource, pt 2

7/15/14 Why all the rebranding? The Oregon State Experience

7/21/14 Why all the rebranding? The Mississippi Experience

6/14/16 What Can You Learn From Students?


Trade Shows & Conferences

4/5/11 Malaysian Mission to the U.S.

5/10/11 Green as a Default at the NWFA Convention

1/15/13 Mark Your Calendars

1/22/13 Where's the Green in Surfaces?

1/29/13 I'm Going Green at Surfaces 2013

2/12/13 Surfaces Review & Upcoming Formaldehyde Fun

4/2/13 Look For Me (and My T-Shirt) In Dallas

7/2/13 STIDC Presentation in Malaysia

1/21/14 Surfaces & other Trade Shows

1/28/14 Photos from the Show Floor at Surfaces 2014

9/9/14 Hardwood Federation Fly-In 2014

1/13/15 2015 Calendar of Industry Trade Shows

1/27/15 Pictures of Surfaces 2015

5/5/15 My Paparazzi Photos from the 2015 NWFA Expo

9/8/15 Greetings from DC: The Hardwood Federation Fly-In, Part 1

9/15/15 Photos from the 2015 Fly-In in DC

9/22/15 Photos from the 2015 Fly-In in DC, Part 2

1/19/16 I’m Around at Surfaces, Come Say Hi!

1/26/16 Sights of Surfaces 2016

3/22/16 Due Care Training Now Available

5/3/16 “Legendary” Pictures from the 2016 NWFA Expo

5/10/16 Industry Roundup—NWFA Expo Photo Blast Continues

5/17/16 Associations at the 2016 NWFA Expo

8/16/16 See you in Atlanta at IWF?

8/23/16 See you in DC for Fly-In 2016?

9/13/16 IWF 2016 in Pictures


Philosophical Ramblings

8/9/11 Spacecraft Earth

7/23/13 Seeking Common Sense

10/8/13 Jurassic Park and the Wood Industry

10/15/13 Michael J. Fox and the Wood Industry

10/22/13 Guess I'm Just Feeling Philosophical: Lessons from Biology Class

10/29/13 Philosophical Lessons from Japan

12/10/13 "Hire Some Kids"

1/7/14 Happy 2014: Time for Some New Thinking

7/29/14 Biomimicry & Our Industry

12/30/14 Yeah, I Know I’m Wordy

3/24/15 I Do Not Blog in Vain

7/7/15 This Building Did Not Burn Down Today

11/24/15 So Long, Dave, and Thank You

12/29/15 Looking to 2016: The Power of Negative Thinking


On the Job Site

1/4/11 Green Install Tips and Tricks

8/21/12 The Green Nature of Factory Finishing

2/4/14 Guest Blog: Site Finishes

2/11/14 Guest Blog: Contracting Green

7/14/15 Green Finishes—A Student Appeal


International Production

11/09/10 Visit to FRIM, Part 1

11/16/10 Visit to FRIM, Part 2 (pictures)

11/23/10 Malaysian Timber Programs

04/05/11 Malaysian Mission to the U.S.

09/13/11 China and Being Green

09/20/11 A Strong International Market Helps Green China

09/27/11 Evaluating Production Sources

5/8/12 5.9 Million Hectares and Growing: Malaysian Minister Interview Pt. 1

5/15/12 Malaysian Plantations-Rubberwood & More, Malaysian Minster Interview, Pt. 2

5/22/12 100 Years of Green, Minister Interview, Pt. 3

7/2/13 STIDC Presentation in Malaysia

9/1/15 How to Buy Wood from Burma

Philosophical Ramblings

8/9/11 Spacecraft Earth

7/23/13 Seeking Common Sense

10/8/13 Jurassic Park and the Wood Industry

10/15/13 Michael J. Fox and the Wood Industry

10/22/13 Guess I'm Just Feeling Philosophical: Lessons from Biology Class

10/29/13 Philosophical Lessons from Japan

12/10/13 "Hire Some Kids"

1/7/14 Happy 2014: Time for Some New Thinking

7/29/14 Biomimicry & Our Industry

12/30/14 Yeah, I Know I’m Wordy

3/24/15 I Do Not Blog in Vain

7/7/15 This Building Did Not Burn Down Today

11/24/15 So long, Dave, and Thank You

12/29/15 Looking to 2016: The Power of Negative Thinking



08/10/10 Introduction: The World of 'Green'

08/16/11 A Year of Blogging

08/23/11 My Green Summer Reading List

08/30/11 Enjoying the Woods

11/13/12 You Say Jatoba, I Say... Clarifying Wood Floor Marketing Names

10/30/12 Plywood Dumping Case: What Will the Effects Be?

11/20/12 Tradition at Tremont Nails

12/18/12 Goodbye to the MSDS

5/27/14 It’s My Birthday

12/23/14 Millionth Mile and Happy Holidays

3/3/15 Hoppus to It and Put Your Cunits in Order

7/21/15 Wood Chips—No, Not THOSE Wood Chips…

2/9/16 Snacks for the New Year

4/26/16 Trees are a Hot Topic—But I Bet Not in the Way You’re Thinking…

9/27/16 Reflecting on the Warmth of Wood (as I Battle a Cold)

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